Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hope to make money in stocks?

Last week I attended a GetMotivated seminar. I was hoping to see some of the great speakers I had heard years ago while in Amway - Zig Ziglar and Robert Schuller. However, both are quite along in their years and were really unable to speak very well. Zig has suffered a brain injury and just sat on stage while we watched a video of some old speeches. The most memorable speech was given by an Indian immigrant (whose name I don't recall).

I did listen to a speaker called Phil Town who was making a stock based sales pitch and ended up signing up for a 2 day seminar. This is an organization connected to Wealth Magazine. Apparently this company is owned by TD Ameritrade. The web site is at

I've not really done well in my stock market investing career and been somewhat ambivalent about investing in stocks Vs real estate. However, I left the seminar with a renewed interest in stock investing. While the main purpose of the seminar was to sell really expensive education courses ($5000 to $25000), it did provide some insight into key ideas that I have been missing in stock market investing. Previously, I had dismissed technical analysis, but the speaker convinced me that the market indeed gives lots of signals about what it may do in the future.

So, I'm going to use the tools for the next 9 months and see if they can at least prevent me from taking a beating during the next market crash.

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