Friday, January 23, 2009

Want to have a web based business?

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was looking into SiteBuildit as a potential source of income. Two years ago when I decided to invest in rental property I used a web business called InvesterPro to build a web site for me. It cost me nearly $600 for them to develop a site for me and about $50 per month to maintain it. During the two years that I had the site live I had very little traffic and only a few contacts. None resulted in a real estate transaction.

After purchasing SiteBuildit for $299 my eyes have been opened as to why the previous web site did not attract many visitors. The InvestorPro web site was just a cookie cutter site (every subscriber had the same site except for the name of their business. Search Engines like Google tend to ignore these type of sites.

The main concept behind SiteBuildit is what they call the C-T-P-M process. Intuitively this makes a lot of sense to me. The extensive instructions tell you how to find niche key words that can attract traffic without a lot of competition. Lots of advice on building content and monetizing your site. After working with the software for a couple of weeks I created a web site called (It's not completed yet but I'm starting to put into writing some of what I know.) I've been really impressed by how easy it is to build web pages. Once I have the time, I'll be able to improve the look and feel. Lots of information in the forums as well.

Overall - a very impressive service for building a web based business.

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